I’m a sucker for a good story. Stories are something innate to human nature, and permeate nearly every aspect of our existence. They really are everywhere. Hell, even in complete isolation, you’d still have your story.
I believe there’s power in a story. Stories make us laugh, make us cry, love, hate, and even question our very existence. Stories have evolved over time in many different ways, but my personal favorite, and perhaps one of the oldest stories we’ve ever told, is through music.
I believe that every piece of music tells a story. You know that feeling you get when you’re listening to a piece of music, and it hits you just so? You become briefly breathless, you get goosebumps, everything starts to tingle a bit, and then BAM. The bottom drops out, and there is an exhalation; an almost orgasmic release. Time freezes, if even for just that second, and nothing else seems to matter except that one musical moment where your very soul is laid bare to the cosmos. There is no hiding at that moment and try as you might, you can’t hang on. It’s gone just as quickly as it came. But still, the knowledge that it is there, and that a feeling like that exists, is a comfort. Knowing that at some point, you’ll be back. Back in that moment, and back when you can press pause on the marching forth of time, and simply be.
I believe there’s power in a story. I believe that every piece of music tells a story.
I’d love to help tell your story.